the ups-and-downs

Monday, December 20, 2010

my identity (:

My identity has made clear when i finally decided (:
Who am i to you ?? (:
We have had the answer. How interesting i am gonna have another family and i am looking forward to what God has instored for me.
The book of my life has a brand new chapter in knowing another concept of family and i felt awesome because i believe at the end of the day , i will experience something different which is not easily could be chosen by everyone (: PTL
Not an abnormal girl but with God, we live an extraordinary life isn't it (:

My own family given by God,
Family in Christ given by God,
Second family given by God,
Future-to-be family ???  =D

Friday, December 10, 2010


决定在部落格上涂鸦有几项原因 :第一,受朋友影响,第二:感觉上没有那么公开性。不过使用后,才惊觉发现自己并没有那么需要大众化公开生活小点滴,也不赞同同侪这样做。毕竟,这是全世界的人都可以阅读的,也许以后别人可以将这些当着把柄来反击你也说不定。当然许多人是想用文字发泄情绪,这没错呀。但是实际上在面子书在部落格的文字有多么神秘这是我们都众所周知的。对我个人而言,我喜欢将纸和笔随身带,因为一有灵感我可不能在等到回家时才写。曾经希望拥有一本日记,但纸张东一边西一边,煞是麻烦。文字可以抒发我的情怀,一切流露在纸上可以用一个字形容,“爽”。最后我原想将好多东西搬出来分享,却觉得有点困难。因此我将部落格当成一种启发吧。。
上面说到文字,其实我依然热衷于将文字写在纸上,虽然慢,但那个过程带来的感受和启发可就截然不同了。我喜欢在夜里将房灯都熄了,亮着桌灯,手里握着笔感受着笔尖碰触纸张带来一种细腻的感觉。笔尖在纸上挥洒着。。一撇,一捺,一横,一竖,一点 (你真的可以试试,但不可以急的呀)
李宗盛的一篇报导有这么一段文字“若你认识李宗盛够久,你会知道他爱用铅笔写字。他说他喜欢写字的原始状态,喜欢炭和纸张接触的质朴感觉。。”这就是我所说的。。享受嘛 (:

dance (:

自小爱上了舞蹈,除了在客厅和妈妈播着贝多芬,莫扎特,舒曼的交响曲随意摆动身子自创舞步以外,也被送去了学习韵律操。每次在舞蹈中心将双手沾满粉末爬monkey bar,踏上弹簧似的板用不同的姿势跳过一个有我们一半身高的固体,用双脚靠在墙上双手倒立50秒,在平衡杆上作翻跟斗等等,还真的忘记了自己跌跌撞撞过几回。慢慢长大了就学会一只马,拱桥,将脚拉到头的后方等等(其实人可以是软骨动物)。韵律操里有藤圈,绳子,ribbon and club,每次将这些apparatus 抛上去后一定要用身体部位接住,“百抛百中”就是要磨练的地方。他们可没有你想的那么轻盈,藤圈是最重的,可以让你皮肤黑青,给绳子鞭到也一样,ribbon是最容易打死结的,跳舞时最麻烦就是它,club对我而言是一场灾难。。 它虽然硬,打在头上可以烘出小笼包,它也很容易断(只要你跌了数次),那时就得看老师板着黑脸了。
多年来参加过无数次在医院,在百货公司的表演,直到初二那年最后一场韵律操比赛后,我选择放弃了韵律操。它需要付出很大的代价,如果不是要从事韵律操事业的,放弃是最佳的选择。当然我还有另一个原因,就是我更偏向于跳modern contemporary dance(you can check out in youtube)。在韵律操里每个动作就是分数, 当然一个动作越难越复杂就越高分。我可不想再为了分数这样拼下去,毕竟我所追求的舞蹈是内心流露,具有深度,感动生命的意义。

Thursday, December 9, 2010

小品 (:

Mr.Bean 的笑戏,就像每张笑脸一样, 拥有更深一层的意义。若你能够学习他将身边的事变得如此有趣,(当然不是搞砸的意思),那岂不是可以容易寻找到大笑的理由呢?

Friday, December 3, 2010

The day before (:

A day that takes eternity
Or a Year that seems to fly
It feels as if the past has stopped
The future passed by
If I could turn back yesterday
If I could make you mine
Would have said the things I couldnt say
If I cout turn back time
But I know things now that I never though I'd see
I Could have been the one you wanted me to be

Take me back through the time that's over
Take me back to days gone by
Wish that I could take you back and feel you standing by my side
Make me more than just a memory
Someone that you cant ignore
Take me back to when you loved me yesterday
To the day before

I wonder where we could have been
If we had read beetween the lines
I should have done things differently
We should have seen the signs
If time with you were standing still
But years could pass us by
I could have said the things I meant to say
I'd never need to try
But I know things now that I never though I would
I could have been the man you though you understood

Take me back through the time that's over
Take me back to days gone by
Wish that I could take you back and feel you standing by my side
Make me more than just a memory
Someone that you cant ignore
Take me back to when you loved me yesterday
To the day before

Through the pleasure and the pain
If I'd had the chance
You know that I would do it all again

Take me back through the time that's over
Take me back to days gone by
Wish that I could take you back and feel you standing by my side
Make me more than just a memory
Someone that you cant ignore
Take me back to when you loved me yesterday
To the day before

this song is awesome (:
you can do well (:

violin (:

I started playing violin when i was standard 5 if i am not mistaken. It all started off when mama saw an advertisement on the newspaper about cheap violins and courses and for no doubt, she asked me if i want to. =) i agreed.. but this violin lesson lasted for only two years i guess.
After that, i was given a chance once again to take back my violin. This time the teacher was really harsh and strict. You can never imagined the first time i attended the lesson i dropped the violin. Why?? i just don't know. She was shouting and really rise up from fear from the inside out. I could hardly speak a word and even held my breathe. Yet, i can stand her until now, for almost a year learning from her. She was awesome, but not many can stand her for so long i guess... because of her emotions you thought you were sitting on a roller coaster.
What a fun journey isn't it! =P
This december i was given a chance to be on stage. Well obviously i am nervous because i am still not satisfied with my current performance yet she said i can do well.
Alright, i am taking up the courage, learning to gain confidence and try my best this time.
I never thought i am back to violin once again.. really having butterflies in my stomach ...

God, i will make this a worship for you =)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

don't get too excited =P

I have once been told by someone," don't get too ecxited for the future until you forget to enjoy what you're doing now"," there are some things in life you just need to go through as you grow up."
so here i am, getting really excited for Christmas, for decorations, for drama, for next year =)
so i tend to get on a day dream for a moment and i was pulled back to my spm stuffs =)
yea, two more papers. I have done my best in the previous papers and will let God do the rest =)

newspaper today says that people nowadays tend to share everything out, even the food they have eaten today. It really sounds funny but that's what we're going through isn't it. It's good to really keep a distance away from facebook and blog actually. =)
keep some privacy's in life.
stay mysterious. haha =P